Recent Animal Abuse Reports from Pet-Abuse.Com

April 15, 2009

I've Fallen Over You, Fido!

Every day approximately 240 Americans wind up in a hospital emergency room due to sprains, fractures or other injuries from a fall involving a dog or cat. Researchers at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention said dogs and cats account for 88 percent of all fall-related injuries reported in emergency departments.

In its report on death and disease, the CDC reports that dogs or cats cause an estimated 86,600 falls per year. Women are 2.1 times more likely to have a pet-related fall than men.

Tripping is the biggest risk. About 31 percent of dog-related and 66 percent of cat-related injuries were caused by tripping. Another 21 percent of dog-related injuries occurred when people fell after being pushed or pulled by dogs.

Source: reuters


Pawpaw said...

Having 4 yorkies has caused some fun walking them. My wife and I have taken a tumble or two, falling over them. They don't know any better, and my large 13's are targets for them to aim at. I have learned to tuck, duck and roll with the best of them. Thanks for the news.