On the morning of May 5, 2009, Jess Craigie watched her dog, 2 year old "Moxie", chase a seagull during their morning walk in Chicago (Illinois) along Lake Michigan. But that day, Moxie sprinted down a pier after the bird and disappeared over the edge into the icy waters."I saw Moxie go over the pier. I was in shock,'' said Craigie. "When I got to the edge, I saw her dog-paddling. She was clearly panicking."Craigie jumped in.
The icy chill of the water surprised her. "It was definitely a shock, it takes your breath away.'' She grabbed the dog and held Moxie on her shoulders. When Craigie was not able to hoist herself or Moxie over the 6-foot stone wall, bystanders called 911. Twenty minutes later, police marine divers wearing cold-water diving suits assisted Craigie and Moxie up over the jetty wall and back onto dry land. Craigie was taken to the hospital, treated for hypothermia and released. Moxie was unharmed."I think when you rescue a dog or own a pet you are 100 percent responsible. I could never stand there and watch her drown,'' Craigie said. "I don't think I could live with myself knowing I didn't try." "She's not the first and she's not the last [to do this]," police stated at the scene. "People love their dogs."Craigie originally rescued Moxie as a 6 week old stray puppy from Belize.While Moxie was not on a leash at the time of her swim, police are not expecting to ticket Craigie at this time. By law, all dogs in Chicago have to be on a leash while in public.Source: chicagobreakingnews.com
i would jump to rescue a dog anytime anyplace.... my dog is my daughter.... i'm heartbroken she's being so bad lately because I dont want to lose her.. i couldn't imagine seeing my doggy in icey cold water suffering.. OMDOG
This lady ROCKS! Way to Go!!
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