Recent Animal Abuse Reports from Pet-Abuse.Com

July 27, 2009

Is It Time to Say Goodbye?

The reality is that your dog will probably not outlive you. Even more sobering, you may end up facing a difficult decision about when to end the life of this precious friend and family member.

Some dogs do pass peacefully on their own, but in many cases, the will to survive keeps a dog going long past the point of experiencing good quality of life. While recent advances in veterinary medicine are nothing short of amazing, remember that just because you can prolong his life doesn't mean it's in your dog's best interest to do so.

Most of the factors around aging and death are beyond our control, but the one thing you are able to do for your dog is alleviate undue pain and suffering. Arguably, no other decision you make about your dog will be as difficult as the one to euthanize, but in so many cases, it is the most humane option.

How to know it's time

If there's ever a time to put your dog's welfare ahead of your own needs, this is it. While the idea of living without your beloved pet can be devastating, the thought of him suffering should feel even worse. So in considering what to do, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does your dog have a terminal illness? Ask your veterinarian what to expect at the next stage and then ask whether you're prepared to go there.
  • Is your dog in the kind of pain that cannot be significantly alleviated by medication?
  • Will more treatment improve his quality of life, or simply maintain a poor quality of life?
  • Can you afford treatment? End-of-life care can run into thousands of dollars, and people can end up prolonging their grieving while paying off credit cards.
  • Is your dog so old he has lost most bodily functions? If he can no longer stand up, get down stairs, defecate, and urinate on his own, the quality of his life is pretty poor.
  • Does he still want to eat? Once a dog loses his appetite he's signaling he's close to the end.
  • Are his gums pink? When gums aren't a normal pink, your dog isn't getting enough oxygen.
  • Is it in his best interest to extend his life, or are you extending his life for yourself? This last point is the most difficult one for most of us to sort out, but it may well be the most relevant. If your dog is suffering, he has lost all joy in being a dog.

Bottom line: The emotions surrounding this decision are mixed and complicated. To do what's best for our dogs, we need to realistically assess the criteria without allowing emotion to overwhelm the decision-making process.
