Our last afternoon together at Highspire Gardens on 8/24/09. The weather was warm and the sunshine felt great -- just the way she liked it. Miss Paras is just So Beautiful that I wanted to share this photo with the world.
August 31, 2009
Our Last Afternoon Together...
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Ready to Roll!
Dylan, my 12 year old adopted Special Needs Yorkie from Texas, is Ready to Roll in his new doggie wheelchair! Dylan spent Sunday with me practicing his skills. Since he is blind, Dylan is listening to clicker training -- and following his nose with lots of roasted chicken bits for his reward -- to know which direction to go!
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way too much fun
August 30, 2009
Take A Bite Out of Office Work!
In the "Sale" section now of urbanoutfitters.com for $9.99.
I just couldn't resist!
Source: urbanoutfitters.com
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me likey,
way too much fun
Kennedy's Dogs Will Be Missed On The Hill
Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) was years ahead of the curve when it came to Take Your Dog to Work Day. The constant presence of his three Portuguese water dogs in his Russell building office helped humanize their owner and brought a sense of fun to a workplace known for rules and formalities.
Now, lobbyists, staffers and other Hill dwellers say they mourn not only the passing of Kennedy but also he end of a unique chapter in Capitol Hill’s canine history. With their black curly hair, floppy ears and bouncy gait, Kennedy’s dogs became a part of the lawmaker’s nearly 47-year Hill tenure. Kennedy’s Senate office always had water bowls and tennis balls on hand. Major legislation was hammered out as White House officials patted fuzzy heads and threw balls during meetings. The dogs were known to snooze under committee room tables.
“It’s like the end of an era,” said Kennedy’s former judiciary committee general council David Sutphen. “I find it hard to believe you’ll have another senator with a dog who comes to meetings all over the Capitol. It’s kind of the closing of a chapter.”
With the exception of the Senate floor, there were few places Splash, Sunny and Cappy didn’t have access to, including committee hearings and, once, even the Oval Office. It was a rare day when the Massachusetts lawmaker wasn’t shadowed by at least one of the pooches, whether Kennedy’s schedule brought him an office full of visitors or a committee bill markup.
A powerful man with a booming voice and a formidable family legacy, Kennedy often used his dogs to break the ice with Republican lawmakers, to relax nervous visitors and to put political personalities to the sniff test. “They were part of the landscape,” said former Bush senior education adviser Sandy Kress, who partnered with Kennedy’s office to develop the mammoth education bill No Child Left Behind. “I had no problem patting the dog while talking about Section 10.32. ... It just created a pleasant environment,” said Kress, who often watched the senator toss tennis balls to the dogs in the office. “At one point, we got it into our heads that the dogs reacted poorly to committee members who weren’t No Child supporters. We always joked that the dogs knew best.”
Studies have shown that pets in the workplace can boost productivity and raise employee morale and Kennedy was walking proof, animal experts say. “Our pets humanize us. Immediately, there’s something to talk about,” said ASPCA executive vice president Stephen Zawistowski. “A dog provides easy common contact. It’s a neutral contact.”
Kennedy is far from the only lawmaker known for bringing furry friends to the Hill — a hobby he used to make friends on both sides of the aisle. The Senator bonded with House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer over their canine affinity, according to the Congressman. Hoyer’s English Springer Spaniel had her own bed in Hoyer’s office before she passed away in 2007. “God invented dogs for us, to give us the kind of uncompromising love that human beings need, and we in turn give them the same kind of love,” Hoyer noted at the Congressional Canine Champions awards ceremony earlier this year.
President George W. Bush’s National Institutes of Health appointee Elias Zerhouni reportedly earned Kennedy’s support after one of the dogs stayed by Zerhouni’s side during a meeting about the Senate confirmation process.
But Kennedy's dogs weren’t saints either. Like a parent of spoiled children, the senator was loving but a poor disciplinarian. Splash has been known to bark impatiently during long meetings. The dog once sent White House staffers into a frenzy when the pooch began barking in the Oval Office. Kennedy and his pets were at the White House waiting for the start of a religious freedom bill signing ceremony with President Clinton. “Kennedy was working the room, and Splash starts barking incessantly. The president was off in a side room having a meeting and the White House staffers start freaking out,” said Sutphen, a former staffer who attended the ceremony with Kennedy. After Splash was excused, Clinton walked in, asking why he’d heard barking. “No one fessed up,” said Sutphen. “But it showed the light-hearted, jovial, jokester side of [Kennedy].”
The dogs’ antics could turn Capitol Hill into a dysfunctional family scene. While interning on Capitol Hill, then-Maryland University student Scott Shewfelt met Kennedy as he stumbled upon the Porties, unleashed and fresh from a haircut, digging in the shrubs outside the Russell Senate federal building where Kennedy kept his office. “Teddy was yelling at them, but they weren’t listening at all,” Shewfelt said. “It was absolute chaos.” Whether the dogs were a distraction or not, Capitol Hill regulars say rarely was a complaint heard. Boston Globe political reporter Susan Milligan, who covered Kennedy for almost a decade, was once dragged away from an interview with another Senator as Kennedy insisted she come visit the dogs. “I was interviewing Sen. [Olympia] Snowe when Kennedy came around the corner and asked if I would come ‘say hi to the dogs,'” Mulligan recalled. “At that point, what was I going to say? He had me come in the car and greet the dogs. He really wanted me to say hello.” Today, the Kennedy offices are quiet and the dogs are residing with the late senator’s wife, Vicki, at the family compound on Cape Cod.
Wayne Pacelle, chief executive officer of the Humane Society of the United States, hopes the tradition of dog in Hill offices continues. “He showed that animals are intimately involved in our lives, and there is an implicit reminder of our responsibility to them,” said Pacelle. “So many more people are treating their dogs like members of the family. You may see other members handle their dogs in a similar way.”
Source: politico.com

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August 28, 2009
He Loved His Dogs!
Politics aside, it's no secret that Senator Ted Kennedy loved his Portuguese Water Dogs, "Sunny" and "Splash", who frequently went sailing with the Senator and were also everpresent in his Senate offices. Below is an adorable photo of Senator Kennedy and his wife, Vicki, greeting "Bo", the First Dog, outside the Oval Office on April 21, 2009. Bo was gifted to the Obamas by the Senator. I just love the dog toy laying casually in the hallway of the Oval Office!Photo: whitehouse.gov
Posted by YorkieLover 0 comments
August 25, 2009
A Special Farewell -- Miss Paras -- 1989-2009
Sometimes in our lives we are blessed to spend time with an exceptional creature – and so I was blessed with “Miss Paras”, who passed away yesterday at the age of 20.
Adopted by me from Rescue at age 18, we enjoyed just over two years together before the valves of her tiny heart simply wore out. At a petite 3.3 pounds, Miss Paras loved strutting down the sidewalks, looking terrific with her long white flowing hair and greeting her adoring public. Despite rapidly advancing blindness that ultimately claimed her sight, she walked every day to the Town Park and back home so quickly that none of my other Yorkies could keep up with her. Sporting her pink sparkle harness and collar, Miss Paras kept her vigorous daily fitness and beauty regime to the end.
The “Beautiful and Fabulous Miss Paras” and I looked quite alike with our white hair that when held side-by-side blended together perfectly. It was my joy to share her gorgeous presence at special events, including several local “look alike” contests and two Pet Expos in Virginia, where Miss Paras graciously greeted her public, despite her general distaste for any outing that required a car ride. We were rather easy to spot together in a crowd with our pink matching sweaters and pink doggie carriage – in which Miss Paras refused to ride and instead insisted on pulling like a sled dog.
I didn’t enter into my relationship with Miss Paras with any fixed expectation of how long we might have together, just my usual “Every Day is a Gift” credo I bring to all Special Seniors. I certainly never dreamed that this timeless and ageless beauty would grace my life and home for over two years – and claim the record for the longest stay of any Special Needs Senior Yorkie I have ever adopted.
My Darling, your boundless energy made it easy to forget the true number of years behind you. Your poise and dignity in the face of advancing age taught me much, Beautiful Miss Paras. You are and will always be an inspiration for what Life Can Be. I’ll miss your spunky morning “ruff-ruff” demand for the timely presentation of your breakfast, your sweet tiny moist toothless kisses and the softness and warmth of your elegant petite face against mine. As you were Beautiful and Fabulous in life, tonight your star will twinkle in Heaven so brightly that all the other stars will be jealous. That’s alright, My Beauty. You “work it” from Heaven and keep showing us how it’s done! And know that I’ll always be your Biggest Fan.
Your Loving Mommie, Tina XOXO
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sweet seniors
A baby ring-tailed lemur cuddles with its mother in their enclosure at Ueno Zoo in Tokyo on July 11, 2009.
Source: reuters
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way too much fun
August 24, 2009
Stolen Dogs Found at Peru Medical School
At least two stolen dogs were found in an operating room used for dissections at the medical school of the University of San Marcos (Peru), South America's oldest university, but its dean denied relying on dognappers to collect specimens for classes. The University of San Marcos does not have access to enough human cadavers for its students, so they sometimes cut open dogs instead.
Carmen Valverde's dog Tomas was stolen by two men while she was walking in the working-class Brena district of Lima, and a friend who works at the school's teaching hospital spotted him by chance in a surgery room where dogs are dissected. Valverde donned a lab coat and snuck into the hospital to rescue Tomas. Video her friend shot a week ago, aired on local television, shows him sedated, splayed, and strapped to a stainless steel table -- just moments away from the knife.
After local newspapers published the story, other people missing dogs rushed to the hospital's door and one owner found her dog Chico.
The dean of the medical school, acknowledged that stolen dogs had wound up in the surgery room, but said the school only uses strays for classes. "I assure you we would have returned the dog. All our experimental surgeries are done to dogs that don't have owners," Rubios told Reuters.
Romila Briones, a member of ASPPA, a Peruvian animal rights group, said the law does not protect strays. "In Europe, they don't kill animals for education, they use dummies. Unfortunately, animals are just property in the eyes of the law here, like furniture," Briones said.
Source: reuters.com
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mean people suck,
August 22, 2009
Dog Dies in Highway Accident
In Rescue sometimes things go wrong, and last night "Major Winchester", a 9 year old chocolate cocker rescued from a shelter in Ohio, died on transport in a van accident in Maryland involving the Global Rescue Welfare League ("GROWL"). The other 6 dogs on board and the driver survived, but the rescue's van was totalled.
GROWL is an all volunteer organization which raises awareness of homeless animals all over the world. Its mission is to raise awareness about spay and neuter and responsible animal ownership. GROWL is directly involved in pulling animals from high kill shelters and coordinating volunteer transports for the dogs to rescue.
To donate to GROWL in support of their mission and the replacement of their van, go to their main website at www.mygrowl.com
Deep condolences to GROWL on the death of Major Winchester. He was a beautiful pup.
Photo: mygrowl.com
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real heroes
August 21, 2009
August 20, 2009
Climbin' On the "Nuts" FanWagon!
The couple had set the timer on their camera while posing at a lakeside at Lake Minnewanka, a national park in Canada. Just as they were about to be captured on camera the cheeky squirrel popped up in the foreground and stole the show.
Melissa Brandts said: "We had our camera set up on some rocks and were getting
ready to take the picture when this curious little ground squirrel
appeared, became intrigued with the sound of the focusing camera and popped right into our shot."
The picture was submitted to the website of America's National Geographic magazine.
'It was a once in a lifetime moment - we were laughing about this little guy for days!' said Mrs Brandts.
Source: www.telegraph.co.uk
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Vick's PR Campaign is the Pits | News and Opinion | Philadelphia Weekly
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mean people suck
August 16, 2009
August 15, 2009
More Dog Haiku
I lift my leg and
Wiz on each bush. Hello, Spot -
Sniff this and weep.
How do I love thee?
The ways are numberless as
My hairs on the rug.
My human is home!
I am so ecstatic I have
Made a puddle.
I hate my choke chain -
Look, world, they strangle me! Ack
Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack!
On your foot - no greater bliss - well,
Maybe catching cats.
Credit: travelingdogs.com
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me likey,
way too much fun
August 13, 2009
Vick Back in the NFL
Quarterback Michael Vick has signed a two-year deal with the Philadelphia Eagles, his agent, Joel Segal, confirmed to ESPN.com. The Eagles will hold a news conference on Friday morning to announce his signing. The first year of the deal is for $1.6 million deal with an option for the second year at $5.2 million.
Signing with the Eagles is a surprise landing point for Vick. It was among 26 clubs that said there was no interest in Vick. Vick was the No. 1 draft pick in 2001, and once the highest-paid player in football. But he has not played since 2006 when his career came tumbling down. He was convicted in August 2007 of conspiracy and running a dogfighting operation, sentenced to 23 months in federal prison and suspended indefinitely by the NFL.
But after serving his time and being released from home confinement July 20, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell conditionally lifted Vick's suspension, allowing him to sign with a team. Vick can immediately take part in preseason practices, workouts and meetings and can play in the final two preseason games. Once the season begins, Vick may participate in all team activities except games, and Goodell said he would consider Vick for full reinstatement by Week 6 (Oct. 18-19) at the latest.
Vick filed for bankruptcy protection last July, listing assets of about $16 million and debts of more than $20 million. Vick pleaded guilty after his three co-defendants had already done so. They told of how Vick participated in the killing of dogs that didn't perform well in test fights by shooting, hanging, drowning or slamming them to the ground.
Vick's appearances at federal court in Richmond, Va., prompted large groups of protesters to gather outside. Many were with PETA and held signs depicting photographs of pit bulls ravaged in dogfights. Still, there were supporters who wore his No. 7 jersey.
Source: espn.com
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August 12, 2009
Changes In Your Senior Dog
Sensory Changes - As some dogs age, their owners will notice a gradual "slowing down" of their companions. Their major senses--sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell--begin to dull and they do not respond as quickly to external stimuli. This sensory perception loss is often so slow that you may not even notice it until one day you look at him and wonder, "When did he get so old?"
The best defense against aging is to keep him active. Daily walks, playtime and training, making allowances for your dog's physical condition, are excellent ways to keep all of his senses sharp.
Some dogs also show signs of mental deterioration as they age. These age-related cognitive and behavior changes are generally subtle and can be addressed proactively. Regular geriatric exams are vital to detect and treat these problems before they control your dog's life.
Physical Changes - The physical changes in your dog are generally easier to spot than the sensory changes. As his body begins to deteriorate, his ability to fight infection is reduced and it takes longer to heal.
That means it is crucial to consult your veterinarian if you notice a significant change in behavior or the physical condition of your dog. There are many signs indicating your dog is approaching senior citizenship status, but they can be indicative of a variety of different problems (see the list at the end of this article).
One of the most common and frustrating problems for aging dogs and their owner is inappropriate elimination. The kidneys are one of the most common organ systems to deteriorate in a dog, and as a result, your once well-behaved dog may have trouble in controlling his bathroom habits, especially if left alone for a long time without access to the outdoors.
You may also notice he dribbles urine while sleeping. This is stressful for both you and your dog. Excessive urination or incontinence could be indicative of diabetes or kidney failure, both of which can be treated if caught early enough.
Credit: dogtime.com
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sweet seniors
Pleazzze ... Can I Hold Just One?? :)
A sailor holds a green turtle hatching from its egg in Thailand. Each year special care is given to around 15,000 green and hawksbill baby turtles hatched and housed at the Thai navy's conservation center. Once the baby turtles are about six months old and their shells are big and strong enough to protect them from predators, the turtles are released to the sea.
Source: reuters
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August 11, 2009
Happy 20th Birthday, Miss Paras!!!
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August 9, 2009
Double Trouble!
Newborn ostrich chicks walk in their enclosure at Berlin Zoo in Germany. Six ostriches hatched at the zoo on June 21 and 22, 2009.
Source: reuters
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me likey,
way too much fun
August 5, 2009
August Is "Miss Paras Birthday Month"!!!!
Here at PiddleTails we are celebrating a joyous occassion all during the month of August! Appearing in this week's Morgan Messenger (Berkeley Springs, WV) newspaper is the Birthday Announcement for my Beautiful and Fabulous "Miss Paras" who celebrates her 20th Birthday on August 11th!! I adopted Miss Paras from "Rescue Me! Yorkie Rescue" in 2007.
I Love You, Miss Paras!! XOXOXO!!!
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Hush Little (Panda) Baby....!
At a zoo in Thailand, Lin Hui, a seven year old Momma Giant Panda, yawns during naptime for her sleeping 25 day old baby.
Source: ap
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me likey,
way too much fun
August 4, 2009
Visit Your Dog's Ancestral Home - Boston Terrier
Origin: Boston, Mass.
Story: In the 1800s, workingmen crossbred terriers with English bulldogs to develop a strong, spunky offspring for dogfights. The result — a small, bat-eared canine with a tuxedolike coat — was the Boston terrier. It was the first American purebred dog, according to the Boston Terrier Club of America. Over time, dog shows replaced dogfights as the breed's main stomping grounds.
The trip: If you're in Boston on the first weekend in December, drop by the city's largest annual dog show, Bay Colony (baycolonydogshow.com), where the Boston terrier and about 150 other breeds strut their stuff. During the rest of the year, take your dog to Boston Common, a 50-acre park downtown. (But be aware that it's illegal to let a dog run unleashed in Boston parks.) Dogs are welcome on the Freedom Trail, a two-and-a-half-mile self-guided walking tour of 16 colonial sites, such as the Bunker Hill Monument.
Hot tip: Nine Zero Hotel, a boutique Kimpton property downtown, provides dog beds, bowls, and treats—all complimentary (866/906-9090, ninezero.com ). A few local Sheratons are pet-friendly, too (800/325-3535, sheraton.com).
Credit: msnbc.com; Photo: britannica.com
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me likey,
on the road
August 3, 2009
MD Police Must Report Dog Killings During Drug Raids
Beginning in 2010, police departments in Maryland will be required to report to the Governor's office every time they kill a dog during a drug raid. That requirement is part of a new law pushed by Cheye Calvo, the mayor of the small town of Berwyn Heights, Maryland.
Calvo proposed the legislation because police officers conducted a particularly violent raid last summer on his home in Prince George's County after intercepting a package of marijuana at a delivery-service warehouse. The cops then completed the delivery themselves to the address on the package. As it turns out, the house belonged Calvo, who had no connection to the drugs. The package was part of a botched distribution scheme in which an accomplice working for the delivery service was supposed to have intercepted it before it was delivered.
The raid made headlines around the world, not only because the police mistakenly busted into the home of a sitting mayor, but because they killed Calvo's two black Labradors, Peyton and Chase. Peyton was shot four times. Chase was shot twice, once from behind as he fled.
Within days, Calvo and his family were cleared of any wrongdoing, but Prince George's County officials have steadfastly refused to apologize.
Source: thedailybeast.com
Posted by YorkieLover 0 comments
August 2, 2009
Here Is What A Real Rescuer Does On Her Weekend
This sad deaf pooch in a Los Angeles kill shelter had clearly given up hope. Mislabelled as aggressive, his next stop was the Death Room. My friend Kelly spent her weekend pulling and transporting this amazing fellow. He travelled cuddled sweetly in a ball on the passenger seat of Kelly's small car and offered kisses to Kelly and those who helped him. A Fundable is set up for his vetting (exam, neuter, shots, removal of mass from his back) and transport to Rescue in Indiana. From the text of his Fundable, read about his past -- and now his FUTURE -- below:
This is the link to the Fundable:
Perhaps you have seen this photo...or maybe this is the first time you have laid eyes on this heart wrenching moment. He is an unnamed six year old deaf Pit that sits in isolation awaiting certain fate. The bigger tragedy is that he is not alone....you can find this similar story throughout shelters in Los Angeles. But for now we focus on him.....on rewriting the end of his story. He was used up and discarded. A stray. Someone's trash. This is for him.
We are raising funds -and hopefully awareness- to get him bailed, healed and rehabbed in an equipped facility... and offer him some firsts: - a kind hand on his head. - surgery for his back. - quality food. - behavioral therapy. - a bed of his own. - a bath. - words of encouragement. No they won't be heard. But no, they won't be lost on him... nor those that offer them. Please help.
And for those that you have ever heard say that dogs don't think and dogs don't feel... Well, lessons come from the most surprising teachers, sometimes.....you know?
Brief History: This poor handsome guy first caught the attention of us at The Mutt Scouts when we were at the shelter checking on some dogs of interest. We returned on Sunday to bail a couple dogs -and if you follow our blog- http://themuttscouts.wordpress.com/ - wound up bailing many more. This Pit was not available that day but Nikki took the haunting pic that has everyone rallying for this guy's move to safety and to a facility that has the space and faculty to start his surgery, healing and rehab. Enter Kelly Gibson who was so moved by this image that she drove from San Diego up to LA to meet him. Kelly found what we did, that he was not the savage that he has been called and so deserves mercy and opportunity. Kelly's close friend, Rebecca, is the executive director of the Hamilton County Humane Society in Indiana. Rebecca has not only the desire and facilities to provide a chance for this guy, but also works with a trainer that is going to take him into her home and make his daily rehab her priority. We do not adopt out of state and have an iron clad rule not to allow networked dogs out of state either. Naturally we were skeptical when approached. But after extensive checking into Rebecca and speaking to her, we feel confident that she is so very competent, enormously dedicated and essentially the real deal. Therefore we started this fundable to help cover cost of pull, transport to a facility here for two weeks and his immediate care to be followed by his transport to her facility in Indiana. Anything left over will be handed off to his new care provider. Here is a six year old deaf dog sitting on Death Row who has been drug through hell in his life that sparked nationwide interest because of a picture. He is now being afforded a legitimate future and the possibility of pictures reflecting a vastly improved, nurturing quality of life. Huge thanks to all donators, all of you concerned for his well-being and all those reposting his story. If you have any other questions please email us at themuttscouts@gmail.com
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Right On
"Art" Student Freezes Rat to Death
Animal rights activists are appalled a fine arts student at Canterbury University (New Zealand) was allowed to freeze a rat to death for an arts project.
The student, Oscar Enberg, had wanted to slit the rat's throat and then stuff its corpse with butter, but revised his plans after discussing them with his supervisor. Instead he bought a rat from a local pet shop and put it in a cardboard box, which he then put in a freezer, removing the animal only once it had frozen to death. His plans to use the dead rat's corpse for an art work were also scuppered.
Instead, Enberg's entry in the university's sculpture show in Christchurch last month was two baby rats caged in a small clear plastic box, separated by a wooden partition, unable to see each other. It was withdrawn soon after going on display on advice from the student's lawyer.A complaint was placed with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), which investigated and found there was a prima facie case to answer. However, it decided against prosecuting Enberg, instead issuing him a formal written warning.
Canterbury University did have a "very robust" process in place regarding the use of animals for teaching, testing and research but because it was never envisaged that the fine arts department would use animals in such a way, it appeared the department was not aware of the restrictions. Canterbury University deputy vice-chancellor Ian Town said a lack of awareness of the strict rules governing the use of animals meant the art project was not subject to the university's normal ethic review procedures.The university had co-operated fully with the SPCA's investigation and accepted the outcome.
Town said disciplinary action had not been taken against the student: "We felt that the student had been appropriately censured - we've taken this as a learning experience."
Source: stuff.co.nz
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mean people suck,
August 1, 2009
Good Momma!
Two rare red pandas who were abandoned at birth have found a new mother -- a small dog,.
The two cubs, who were born at Taiyuan Zoo in northern China, were abandoned immediately after their birth by their mother.
A zoo worker states that the stand-in mum is good-natured and has happily adopted the cubs. The red panda species is under special protection in China, and are much smaller than the better known giant pandas.
Source: huffingtonpost.com; Photos: ap
Posted by YorkieLover 0 comments