Recent Animal Abuse Reports from Pet-Abuse.Com

September 15, 2009

What is Euthanasia?

Euthanasia is an overdose of barbiturates that stop a pet's heart. The fluids are administered through an intravenous catheter or an injection, and when it's your pet being euthanized you can choose whether or not you want to be present. Some veterinarians will come to your home for this--a good idea if your pet finds going to the clinic or pet hospital stressful.

Before the procedure, most vets will invite you to go into an examination room and then leave you alone for a few minutes to say what you want to say, or just hold your pet close. When the veterinarian and vet tech come in, let them know whether you'd like a snippet of your pet's fur to keep, or the collar.

What's the procedure?

Some clinics give the pet a sedative first because many pick up on what's going on, and get anxious. But it isn't standard practice everywhere so you may have to ask for it.

Certain pets, like some humans, are more reactive than others and will scream or whine in response to the injection, which can be disconcerting, to say the least, at a time when emotions are already fraught.

What most people are not prepared for is how quickly the euthanasia solution works; death occurs in just a few seconds. You'll probably feel your pet relax, and then it's over. Sometimes you may hear what sounds like a gasp coming from your pet after he has died; that's simply air being exhaled by the lungs. The nerves can twitch for a moment, too. Sometimes the pet urinates.

These are involuntary reflex actions after death and aren't painful, but they can be disturbing to watch. Unlike in the movies, your pet's eyes will not close automatically.

Should I be There?

The only right answer is the one that makes sense for you. Do you want to be? If so, be there, since your pet would probably prefer it. However, if you think you'll get upset in front of your pet, it's best if you're not there. If you can keep calm (hard as that is), your pet will be calmer, too.
